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READING: Matthew 2:1-12

The first verse of our reading today shows that Jesus was born m the day of Herod the king. This simply suggests that Herod was positioned to make positive history as a king. But as we will observe later, he missed the opportunity. We also observe that wise men from the East visited Jesus. Notice that the Bible did not call them three wise men but wise men from the East. This simply suggests that they could be any number above
one. The words of the wise men troubled Herod but he was very careful to enquire from the chief priest and scribes if what the wise men said agreed with what was written. Unlike most of us today, who do not care about what the word of God says concerning our situations. When Herod was made to know that it was written, he then believed but sought a way to kill Jesus in order to stop His Kingship. Herod had the opportunity of knowing Jesus but he lost it because of greed for power. What are those things that are
hindering you from making Christ the Lord of your life? The wise men encountered Jesus and were directed to go through another way. Your encounter with Jesus will open a better
way of life for you. Don’t miss your opportunity. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine.


PRAYER: Ask Jesus to come into your life and reign as king.