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READING: John 6:1-14

St. Andrew was Simon Peter’s brother. He was a disciple of John the Baptist and a fisherman from Bethsaida. He was first to be called by our Lord among the Apostles and he left
everything and followed Him. Hence, he graduated from being a fisherman to a fisher of men. He introduced Simon Peter (John 1:40-42) and others to Jesus, not minding whether
they “rose up in rank” than him. He was not thinking of position or promotion.  Andrew played an important role in our text today. He introduced a lad with five barley loaves and two fishes (v9). Then Jesus prayed and distributed the loaves and fishes to the great multitude. They ate and were all satisfied and twelve baskets were gathered from the left


Our Lord Jesus Christ had given them all they needed without exhausting the resources at His disposal! The same Jesus watches over your affairs and that of your family. First, He wants you to believe in Him as the Bread of Life (John 6:35). Then, when circumstances are beyond your control, you can expect Him to take care of your physical needs as He sees
best. He will not turn His back on you in a crisis. We can trust Him to provide for our needs because He is the Lord of all possibilities (Matthew 19:26).


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, feed me till I want no more, Amen.