READING: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
The Thessalonian believers were pretty sure that the second coming of Christ was going to be immediate – before their own eyes. But as the days and years went by, some of the brethren began to die. They became naturally worried: What would be the fate of such brethren? Are you sometimes worried about the final destiny of your departed relative who had lived and died in Christ? You might even be worried yourself and would want to know what befalls you after death.
Today’s passage gives us the answer. The Resurrection of Christ is our sure hope that those who die in Christ shall, like Him, rise from their graves at the blast of the trumpet.
This must be GOOD NEWS indeed to all who share this concern (vv. 16-18). That means that no matter how beautifully made your burial place may be the GRAVE IS
NOT OUR FINAL RESTING PLACE, Halleluiah! Therefore “whether we live or we die we still belong to Jesus for death cannot hold us captive (Gal. 2:20). So, brethren, let us wipe away our tears and encourage one another with this assurance.
PRAYER: Loving Father, I thank you for the power that raised Christ from the dead. Even so, I, though I die, shall also rise to meet Christ and live and reign with Him forever, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.