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TEXT: LUKE 13: 1 – 13

Stewardship is all about service and work for a cause. It is also about managing affairs for a superior to whom the steward is accountable to. Colossians 3: 23. In a sense, every Christian is a steward- stewards of God’s resources in our hands and stewards of saved souls and the souls awaiting salvation. 1 Corinthians 4: 2. The Lord Jesus Christ’s entire earthly ministry at the Right Hand of God Almighty is an example of stewardship. At the request of the father, the Lord Jesus Christ agreed to come down to earth as an acceptable sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. In all that the Lord did, He remained accountable to the Father. How accountable have you been in your family, in the church, at work and in soul winning? There is no stewardship without accountability.

1. What is the relationship between accountability and stewardship? Matthew 25: 20 – 21; Hebrews 13: 5.
2. When and where are Christ’s stewards going to render accounts? Timothy 2: 7; Revelation 22: 10 – 14; 2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 15.
3. How many stewards do we have in our local church? Why do we have many stewards
4. How many stewards good do we have in our church today? Why are they good stewards? Luke 13: 8

Every Christian is a steward. Stewardship goes with accountability to the superior who appointed the steward. The bane of church growth and soul winning is that Christian stewards have lost sight of their accountability to the Almighty God as stewards of His Resources and expectations in the Great Co-Mission


MEMORY VERSE: “whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men”. Colossians 3: 23