Brief History
We had a bare land without any form or structure on it to persuade people to fellowship with us; but there was a calling that birth a vision, so we headed out on a mission for souls. We started with a few, and then went from door to door within Lekki Phase I inviting families and gradually we grew in number. One after the other, they came and stayed because God was and is with us.
Under a hired tent with a battery-powered public address system on the murky sands of Lekki, Venerable Olu Odejimi presided over his first service at the ‘Anglican Church on the Peninsula’. Hence, he continued to lead services every Sunday, though the facility and weather conditions were not of utmost comfort, we had the best time of worship, never having a reason to stop. The vision he carried burned brighter in our hearts.
In 2003, the wooden chapel- with no doors, no windows- was built, then completed and christened All Souls Chapel after the All Souls Church, Langham place, London. With contributions here and there, the shed-like church became a masterpiece. As we advanced in our mission, the church grew so much that the pews were already overflowing at the completion of the wooden chapel and its extensions. The need for a new level began pressing on us urgently.

A Church Building Committee (CBC) was set up in 2007 to carry out the logistics and come up with a forward plan for the All Souls Anglican Church Lekki phase I. The Dream Complex- dream chapel and dream church- was birthed.
Here, we are now in the dream chapel plus a youth/children church.
It has indeed been 10years of achievements under the spiritual leadership of Reverend Venerable Olu Odejimi, a man of vision, purpose, direction and faith! We look back counting our blessings. There were many hurdles crossed, moments to pause and catch our breaths, times of thanksgiving and celebrations but never for once did we give doubts an opportunity to weigh us down.
Onward we keep moving!