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“For no one hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” Ephesians 5: 29

The home is the first institution established by God, he is the originator and the architect who gave the modality of how the home should be run. The sole aim of establishing the home is seen in Genesis 2: 18 “and the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him” as seen here, a partner in marriage is identified as “helpmeet”, “helper comparable to him”, “a perfect companion suitable for him” and “the one who could make up for the spouse in the area of deficiencies.”

After the creation, there was only one thing God said was not good and that is that man should be alone. By implication God rectified the only omission in the whole of creation by making a woman for the man, thereby instituting marriage. Marriage is the beginning of the family and is a life-long commitment.

Therefore, fulfilling the purpose of God in life depends largely on our understanding and total submission to the manufacturer’s instructions which includes:

  • Marriage is designed for companionship, to eliminate any form of loneliness. According to the will of God, there should be intimacy between the spouse, thus making the home a place of comfort and consolation to each other.
  • It is designed to mirror our creator’s unconditional love for us. “for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”. The couple is expected to love each other even as Christ love the world and left his glorious throne to come and die for the sin of the whole world.
  • The wife is to submit to the husband just as the church is subject to Christ while the husband is to love the wife even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.
  • Marriage is a bind like no other. It is a cord that binds two together as life partner, teammate sharing same feelings even as they move through the challenges of life together. Marriage is for better for worse. Endure with your spouse in time of trials and enjoy in time of pleasure.
  • More so, parenting is one of the purpose of God needed to be fulfilled in marriage, when a marriage produces children or receives children through adoption, it is one of life’s greatest blessings. Children are meant to be nurtured in the way of the Lord by both parents. It is the responsibility of both parents to jointly bring up the children in the way of the Lord so that the children can be the delight of the Lord and give the parent peace of mind.

The bond of marriage gives us the support to defeat that temptation by engaging in deep,
satisfying love which is a love that gives to and receives from, our mate physically,
emotionally, and spiritually.

Have a blessed week as you fulfil the purpose of God in your home and enjoy the benefits.

Your Brother, Vicar & Archdeacon
‘Seyi Pirisola.